Triple Point of Water
Triple Point of Water/substance :- The temperature and pressure at which all the three phases of a substance coexist and the fusion curve, the vaporisation curve and the sublimation curve meet is called the triple point of a substance.
We have studied that during change of state (phase change) the temperature of a substance remains constant. A graph between the temperature T and the Pressure P of the substance is called a phase diagram or P – T diagram. The following figure shows the phase diagram of water :-
The above phase diagram divides the P – T plane into three regions :
- The solid-region
- The vapour-region and
- The liquid-region.
These regions are separated by following curves :
- Fusion curve or ice line (AB) : Points on the fusion curve AB represent states in which solid and liquid phase coexist. This curve shows that the melting point of ice decreases with increase in pressure.
- Vaporization curve or steam line (BC) : Points on the vaporization curve BC represent states in which the liquid and vapour phases coexist. This curve shows that the boiling point of water increases with increase in pressure.
- Sublimation curve or hoar frost line (OB) : Points on the sublimation curve OB represent states in which the solid and vapour phases coexist.
All the three curves meet at point B which is called triple point of water/substance. Hence we may define :
Triple Point of Water
The temperature and pressure at which the fusion curve, the vaporization curve and the sublimation curve meet and all the three phases of a water(or any substance) coexist is called the triple point of water.
At triple point of water the values of temperature and pressure are :
Ttriple = 0.0098ºC ≅ 0.01ºC = 273.16 K
Ptriple = 4.6 mm. of Hg column = 605.26 N/m2 = 0.00625 atm