Refraction of light through a prism
Refraction of light through a prism :- Consider a monochromatic light ray PQ incident on the face AB of prism ABC of angle of prism A and refractive index μ.
Angle of deviation(δ)
(Refraction of light through a prism)
Angle of deviation(δ): The angle through which the incident ray turns in passing through a prism is called angle of deviation. In the above figure if we extend the emergent ray RS backward then it meets the original direction of incident ray(PQ) at a point T. Here ∠KTR = angle of deviation(δ).
Graph between angle of deviation(δ) and angle of incidence(i)
(Refraction of light through a prism)
The graph of angle of deviation (δ) against the angle of incidence (i) is plotted and it is obtained as shown below :-
From the graph we observe that it is not symmetric about the minimum deviation position. Also if we draw a straight line parallel to i axis, it intersects the graph at two points. It means same deviation occurs at two angles of incidence i1 and i2. Here i2 is called angle of emergence but from the principle of optical reversibility, the same angle i2 may act as an angle of incidence, if the emergent ray falls on a plane mirror normally. In that case the ray will trace its path backward and emerge at an angle i1. Then i1 will acts as angle of emergence but the angle of deviation would remain the same.