प्रकृति के 4 मूल बल (4 fundamental forces in nature)
प्रकृति के 4 मूल बल (4 fundamental forces in nature) प्रकृति के 4 मूल बल :- प्रकृति में देखे गए सभी बल जैसे कि मांसपेशीय बल, तनाव, प्रतिक्रिया, घर्षण, प्रत्यास्थता, भार, विद्युत-चुम्बकीय बल,नाभिकीय बल आदि, केवल 4 मूल बलों के रूप में समझाए जा सकते हैं: – (1) गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल (2) विद्युत-चुम्बकीय…
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Fundamental Forces in nature (Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Nuclear and Weak Force)
Fundamental Forces in nature Fundamental Forces :- All the forces observed in nature such as muscular force, tension, reaction, friction, elastic, weight, electric, magnetic, nuclear, etc., can be explained in terms of only following four basic forces :- (1) Gravitational Force (2) Electromagnetic Force (3) Nuclear Force (4) Weak Force (1) Gravitational Force The…
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बल के मात्रक
बल के मात्रक बल के मात्रक :- SI प्रणाली:- न्यूटन ( kg-m/s2 ) CGS प्रणाली:- डाइन ( g-cm/s2 ) न्यूटन व डाइन मे सम्बन्ध:- 1 न्यूटन = 1kg-m/s2 = (1000g-100cm)/s2 = (105) (g-cm)/s2 = 105 डाइन अन्य मात्रक :- किलोग्राम बल :- एक किलोग्राम द्रव्यमान की वस्तु को पृथ्वी जिस बल से अपने…
SI Unit of force | Unit of force | CGS unit of force
SI Unit of force | Unit of force | CGS unit of force SI Unit of force SI unit of force is Newton, which is defined as…. 1 Newton is that force which produces an acceleration of 1 ms-2 in an object of mass 1 kg. From newton’s second law i.e., F = ma,…
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बल की संकल्पना
बल की संकल्पना बल की संकल्पना :- बल वह कारक है जो स्थिर वस्तु को गतिशील या गतिशील वस्तु की स्थिति में परिवर्तन करता है अथवा ऐसा करने का प्रयास करता है। या दूसरे शब्दों में … बल वह भौतिक राशि है, जो किसी वस्तु में त्वरण उत्पन्न करे अथवा त्वरण उत्पन्न करने…
Stress in Physics
Stress in Physics Stress in Physics The internal restoring force acting per unit area of cross–section of the deformed body is called stress. Stress = (Internal Restoring force/Area of cross section) = Finternal/A = Fexternal/A SI Unit : Nm–2 Dimensions : [M1 L–1 T–2] Types of stress (Stress in Physics) (a) Longitudinal Stress (b) Volume…
Form of Coulomb’s Law when Dielectric is filled partially between the charges
Form of Coulomb’s Law when Dielectric is filled partially between the charges Coulomb’s Law with partially filled Dielectric between the charges :- Suppose two charge particles q1 and q2 are placed r distance apart in vacuum, then from Coulomb’s Law force acting between them:- Now let a dielectric medium ( of permittivity εr…
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Electrostatic Equilibrium of charged particles
Electrostatic Equilibrium of charged particles Electrostatic Equilibrium:- In equilibrium net electric force on every charged particle is zero. The equilibrium of a charged particle, under the action of Colombian forces alone can never be stable. Equilibrium is of three types:- (a) Stable Equilibrium : A charge is initially in equilibrium position and is displaced by…
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Principle of superposition
Principle of superposition Principle of superposition :- The force is a two body interaction, i.e., electrical force between two point charges is independent of presence or absence of other charges and so the principle of superposition is valid, i.e., “force on a charged particle due to number of point charges is the resultant…