Cube Resistance Problem | JEE Main | JEE Advanced
Cube Resistance Problem | JEE Main | JEE Advanced :- For a cube having equal resistance along its edges, let’s determine the equivalent resistance between :-
- Two vertices along the body diagonal
- Two vertices along the face diagonal
- Two adjacent vertices
Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the body diagonal
(Cube Resistance Problem)
Let us consider a cube as shown in figure as shown in figure below :-
Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the body diagonal (AG) is = 5R/6. To prove this let us draw the equivalent representation of the above figure :-
The vertices B,D,E are at the same potential and also the vertices C,F,H are also at the same potential due to symmetry.
Again simplifying the circuit, we get :-
Finally equivalent resistance between two vertices along the body diagonal (AG) = 5R/6.
Alternate Method
Assume that the current flowing into vertex A is i. Now because of the symmetry we can divide the current in different branches as shown in the figure below :-
Now to find potential difference difference, VAG , i.e., potential difference between vertices A and G, let us follow the path A – B – C – G and write down the potential drop,
⇒ Req = 5R/6
Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the face diagonal
(Cube Resistance Problem)
Let us consider a cube as shown in figure as shown in figure below :-
Equivalent resistance between two vertices along the face diagonal (AC) is = 3R/4. To prove this let us draw the equivalent representation of the above figure :-
Note that the circuit is symmetric about B – F – H – D as indicated by red dotted line, it means all these vertices are at the same potential. This helps us to simplify the circuit again as shown below :-
On further simplifying :-
Finally equivalent resistance between two vertices along the face diagonal (AC) = 3R/4
Equivalent resistance between two adjacent vertices
(Cube Resistance Problem)
Let us consider a cube as shown in figure as shown in figure below :-
Equivalent resistance between two adjacent vertices (AB) is = 7R/12. To prove this let us draw the equivalent representation of the above figure :-
The red dotted line indicates the horizontal symmetry. Further simplifying the above circuit, we get :-
This gives us :-
Finally equivalent resistance between two adjacent vertices (AB) = 7R/12
Nice illustration of basic circuit analysis.
thankyou sir, concept is totally clear thanks to you 🙏