धारिता धारिता :- किसी चालक द्वारा आवेश को संचित करने की क्षमता धारिता कहलाती है। किसी चालक का विभव उसे दिए गए आवेश के समानुपाती होता है अर्थात V ∝ Q अथवा Q ∝ V ⇒ Q = CV यहाँ C एक समानुपातिक नियतांक है जिसे चालक की धारिता कहते हैं। C =…
धारिता धारिता :- किसी चालक द्वारा आवेश को संचित करने की क्षमता धारिता कहलाती है। किसी चालक का विभव उसे दिए गए आवेश के समानुपाती होता है अर्थात V ∝ Q अथवा Q ∝ V ⇒ Q = CV यहाँ C एक समानुपातिक नियतांक है जिसे चालक की धारिता कहते हैं। C =…
Electric field Intensity due to a uniformly charged ring Electric field Intensity due to a uniformly charged ring can be evaluated at two points, one at its Centre and other at a point on its axis. Case i :- Electric field Intensity due to a uniformly charged ring at its Centre Here by symmetry…
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State and Prove Bernoulli’s Theorem | Bernoulli’s Theorem | Bernoulli’s Theorem Derivation [State and Prove Bernoulli’s Theorem] Theorem: (State and Prove Bernoulli’s Theorem) According to Bernoulli’s Theorem , in case of steady flow of incompressible and non–viscous fluid through a tube of non–uniform cross–section, the sum of the pressure energy per unit volume, the…
Density of a Mixture Density of a Mixture of substance in the proportion of mass Let a number of substances of masses M1, M2 , M3 etc., and densities ρ1, ρ2, ρ3 etc. respectively are mixed together. The total mass of the mixture = M1 + M2 + M3 +…. The total volume = So…
पास्कल का नियम पास्कल का नियम इस नियम के अनुसार यदि गुरुत्व को नगण्य मानें, तो पात्र में रखे द्रव के किसी एक बिन्दु पर दाब बढ़ाने पर, दाब द्रव के सभी बिन्दुओं व पात्र की दीवारों पर समान रूप से संचरित हो जाता है। व्युत्पति(Proof) :- मान लीजिए कि 4 बेलनाकार ट्यूब A, B,…
Pascal’s Law Pascal’s Law It states that the increase in pressure at one point of the enclosed liquid in equilibrium of rest is transmitted equally without loss to all other points of the liquid and also to the walls of the container, provided the effect of gravity is neglected. Proof. Let us consider that an…
Relative Density | Specific Gravity Relative Density Relative density(R.D.) is defined as the ratio of the density of a given substance to the density of pure water at 4°C. R.D. = density of a given substance/density of pure water at 4°C R.D. is a unitless and dimensionless positive scalar physical quantity. Being a dimensionless/unitless quantity…
Pressure of Liquid Pressure of Liquid The normal force (or thrust) exerted by liquid at rest per unit area of the surface in contact with it, is called pressure of liquid or hydrostatic pressure. If F is the normal force acting on a surface area A in contact with liquid, then pressure exerted by liquid…
Strain in Physics (Types of Strain in Physics) Strain in Physics (Types of Strain in Physics) The ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension is called strain. Strain formula (Strain in Physics) Strain = change in size of the object / initial size of the object It is a unitless and dimensionless…
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विकृति क्या है ? परिभाषा, उदाहरण, प्रकार | What is Strain in Hindi विकृति क्या है ? परिभाषा, उदाहरण, प्रकार (What is Strain in Hindi) :- वस्तु के विन्यास (विमा,आकार) में परिवर्तन तथा वास्तविक विन्यास (विमा/आकार) के अनुपात को विकृति कहते हैं। विकृति का सूत्र (What is Strain in Hindi) विकृति = वस्तु के…
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